As you can see, our alpacas are very comfortable with our Great Pyrenees, India, and all our LGD's
How different is this, when just seconds before they were in the midst of the herd, almost looking lazy. Now a threat outside the fenceline is noticed. First they race to the fence, note how they both are looking, but presenting the largest profiles to the threat. In the top middle picture, Indy, the Pyr, is checking to see what the alpacas and llamas are doing, and where they are. Note that Duchess, the Komondor, is still barking her threat, this is the team work LGD's often show. Next, Indy starts running the fence line, keeping the intruder in sight, with Duchess fast on her heels.
As the threat, in this case a red fox, runs away over the hill, the dogs split away from each other covering as much of the fence as possible, while still keeping their prey in sight. Do I sleep easier at night? You bet!!